Bernie Ecclestone is looking to the future of free-to-air Formula 1 and that starts with making certain it has a home.
The BBC is currently under-going budget cuts and those restraints are making it a very difficult decision for them as whether or not to keep the sport. The current contract runs out in 2012 and the speculation is that it may not even continue until that far depending on if the BBC tries to get out of the contract early. Bernie is beginning to look for other possibilities to air the show but he is still very committed to the BBC and won’t go hunting anywhere else until there’s no hope he won’t get a contract renewal. If things do go south it looks quite likely that his first port of call will be Channel 5.
He also added: "It isn't possible that F1 could go on to pay TV, we wouldn't want to do that."
Hopefully the BBC will get their heads screwed on tighter and realise just what it is that they would be losing if the Sport were to be aired on another channel.