DRS ban in Monaco

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FIA introduces a drs ban in tunnels for monaco grand prix

24 May 2011

The use of DRS in the tunnel will be banned at this weekend's Grand Prix in Monaco amongst fears that it could lead to a major accident.

Formula 1 drivers have expressed concern that DRS could be too dangerous ti use through the tunnel throughout practise and qualifying sessions. Charlie Whiting, FIA director had discussions with the drivers on more than one occasion and found it was clear that the majority of them would rather not use it in Monaco. The FIA will place a ban on DRS between two signifiant danger spots on the Monaco circuit, distance markers 1350m and 2020m which is the area around the tunnel. Otherwise, the drivers are permitted to use it elsewhere and overtaking zones will be placed on the start-finish straight. Seemingly not everybody is on board with this new rule, Renault team boss Eric Boullier has insisted that the system shouldn't be banned through the tunnel and thinks the drivers should make up their own minds if and when to use it.