Hamilton just keeps on winning and winning…

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Hamilton just keeps on winning and winning…

15 May 2014

Hamilton just keeps on winning and winning… Last weekend Hamilton made it four wins in a row in Barcelona, finishing just 0.6 seconds ahead of his teammate. Now Hamilton is out to prove doubters wrong by continuing his winning streak for a chance to smash the record set in 1988 by McLaren. Hamilton’s awesome run has proved critics wrong after they said he was crazy to leave McLaren for Mercedes in 2012. However, it’s clear that Hamilton knew exactly what he was doing and is now out to continue his exceptional winning streak for Mercedes.

Lewis Hamilton has been labelled ‘unbeatable’ since Rosberg, despite his best efforts, cannot catch him, no matter what he does to try and get ahead. Niki Lauda has commented on the fact that Hamilton is unbeatable but has said that Rosberg will be able to beat him. Mercedes are very happy with both driver’s performance because ultimately, the more Rosberg tries to beat Hamilton, the faster both cars will go. Hamilton himself is very modest and has said that he doesn’t think that he will match or exceed the1988 record when McLaren won all but one of that year's Grand Prixs. However, it could happen; he’s strong, focused and completely relaxed and therefore there are not many teams that will be able to match his efforts. I think Rosberg’s time to shine is coming as ultimately at the moment he is racing to win, with no team rules. Hamilton admitted that in Barcelona he wasn’t fast enough and therefore is his winning streak running out? I reckon it’ll be a few GP’s before we see something significant happen here but until then we can look forward to several more races where Mercedes themselves are battling for the two top spots.