Mates before dates: the key to happy coupledom

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Mates before dates: the key to happy coupledom

6 October 2015

Find out why you deserve guilt-free friend time; TeamSport has the facts.

Over half of people in a relationship only spend up to three nights per month with their friends. Seriously, we've just done the research. Three nights - max.

That's despite the fact that almost a third of the 1,000 coupled-up adults who took part in our recent study said that taking time out to bond with their friends makes them happier when in a relationship. Even dating experts have come forward advising British couples that they are spending too much time together, and psychotherapist Hilda Burke has reminded us of the importance of dedicating some time each week to see friends or to do something we love. You can read more about the psychology behind taking time out in a relationship here but in the meantime…

What's the deal?

One in ten people told us they would like to spend more time with their friends. So what's stopping us putting mates before dates - or at least swapping the occasional Netflix-based night in for some time with the gang? We tackle a few potential pal-blockers:


We're all busy, but how great is it to have something to look forward to? There's nothing like an event on the horizon to get us through the long dull days (especially at this time of year), so get a date booked in and get everyone together.

Gender (seriously)

Our survey found that men spend more time with their friends than women. We think it's time to close the divide - who's with us?

Stuck in a rut

We also found that men in relationships say their favourite way to spend time with their friends is going to the pub, whereas women would prefer to go out for dinner. While both are great ways to catch up, perhaps it's time to hit the adrenaline button. Doing something new and exciting with our mates is the perfect way to strengthen that bond - and you'll have some great stories to tell your other half, too!


Ready to mix things up the next time you and your mates get together? Here are TeamSport's suggestions for a great time:

  • Indoor karting

Too often the weather scuppers those plans, so forget the forecast and book in for some indoor karting, To help you get the crew together, TeamSport is offering up to half price on go-karting midweek.

  • Head to a gig

Whatever your taste in music, watching a band play live is always a buzz. Ditch the 'ambient' drivel playing in your local pub and take a look at the tour dates of your favourite artist - or be a real mate and get two tickets for your pal's favourite act.

  • Explore a city

This is something couples do together all the time, but seeing a city with your mates can give you a completely different perspective. Forget finding all those romantic must-see locations and really get to know the city with your friends in tow.