Will the Bahrain Grand Prix be Given the Green Light?

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Reports Suggest the Bahrain Grand Prix will be Called Off

12 April 2012

Will the 2012 Bahrain Grand Prix take place as planned? That's the million dollar question, quite literally. Recent reports have suggested that F1 teams expect the Bahrain Grand Prix, due to take place April 22nd, to be cancelled amid security concerns

- but no definite decision has yet to be made. Bahrain is currently experiencing violent clashes between government security forces and protesters demanding democratic reforms. The situation is reminiscent of last year when violence during the Arab Spring caused the 2011 Bahrain Grand Prix to be cancelled. This year however the Bahrain authorities show no inclination to cancel, with the final call resting with the FIA. F1 teams are due to meet with Bernie Ecclestone this Friday for an official decision, although opinion within the sport itself is divided. After originally backing the event, Damon Hill is now suggesting that organisers seriously consider their plans to hold the event. Sir Jackie Stewart on the other hand suggests that the race should be given the go ahead "It is a dangerous precedent to set [if] we don't go to Bahrain. Democracy doesn't happen in three months, 12 months or 36 months. It takes a generation sometimes." So much like Middle Eastern Politics, nothing's certain, and only time will tell if the 2012 Bahrain Grand Prix is definitely going ahead.